60. Dendrobium trigonopus H. G. Reichenbach, Gard. Chron., ser. 3,. 2: 682. 1887. 翅梗石斛 chi geng shi hu Callista trogonopus (H. G. Reichenbach) Kuntze; Dendrobium velutinum Rolfe.Stems clustered, golden yellow when dry, fusiform or sometimes clavate, 5-11 cm, 12-15 mm in diam. at middle, thick and fleshy, unbranched, with 3-5 nodes, internodes ca. 2 cm. Leaves 3 or 4, subterminal, oblong, 8-9.5 × 1.5-2.5(or more) cm, thickly leathery, abaxially sparsely black hairy on midvein, midvein concave adaxially, with short clasping sheaths, apex acute. Inflorescences 1 or 2, distal on latest or older mature leafy pseudobulbs, arcuate, 2- or 3-flowered; peduncle 1-4 cm; floral bracts ovate-triangular, ca. 5 mm, fleshy, apex acute. Pedicel and ovary yellowish green, 3-4 cm; ovary triquetrous. Flowers nodding, thick; sepals and petals waxy yellow, lip yellow, disk tinged with pale green. Dorsal and lateral sepals subsimilar, narrowly lanceolate, ca. 30 × 10 mm, strongly keeled, both margins ascending above middle, midvein on abaxial surface slightly raised and wing-shaped, apex acute; lateral sepals with base only partly adnate to column foot; mentum subglobose, ca. 4 mm. Petals ovate-oblong, ca. 25 × 11 mm, 8-veined, apex acute; lip erect, nearly parallel to column, ca. 25 mm, base shortly clawed, apex 3-lobed; lateral lobes embracing column, subobovate, upper margin denticulate, apex rounded; mid-lobe orbicular, smaller than width between 2 lateral lobe apices; disk densely papillose. Column ca. 6 mm, upper margin of teeth with several shallow indentations; anther cap conic, ca. 5 mm, glabrous.Epiphytic on tree trunks in mountain forests; 1100-1600 m. S Yunnan [Laos, Myanmar, N Thailand, Vietnam].【引自:Flora of China】
茎丛生,肉质状粗厚,呈纺锤形或有时棒状,长5-11厘米,中部粗12-15毫米,不分枝,具3-5节,节间长约2厘米,干后金黄色。叶厚革质,3-4枚近顶生,长圆形,长8-9.5厘米,宽15-25毫米,先端锐尖,基部具抱茎的短鞘,在上面中肋凹下,在背面的脉上被稀疏的黑色粗毛。总状花序出自具叶的茎中部或近顶端,常具2朵花,花序柄长1-4厘米;花苞片肉质,卵状三角形,长约5毫米,先端锐尖;花梗和子房黄绿色,长3-4厘米,子房三棱形;花下垂,不甚开展,质地厚,除唇盘稍带浅绿色外,均为蜡黄色;中萼片和侧萼片近相似,狭披针形,长约3厘米,宽1厘米,先端急尖,中部以上两侧边缘上举,在背面中肋隆起呈翅状,侧萼片的基部仅部分着生在蕊柱足上;萼囊近球形,长约4毫米;花瓣卵状长圆形,长约2.5厘米,宽1.1厘米,先端急尖,具8条脉;唇瓣直立,与蕊柱近平行,长2.5厘米,基部具短爪,3裂;侧裂片围抱蕊柱,近倒卵形,先端圆形,上部边缘具细齿;中裂片近圆形,比两侧裂片先端之间的宽小,唇盘密被乳突;蕊柱长约6毫米,蕊柱齿上缘具数个浅缺刻;药帽圆锥形,长约5毫米,光滑。花期3-4月。 【引自:中国植物志】
编号 | 保藏类型 | 保护级别 | 份数 | 数据来源 |
IVB0112 | 离体培养物 | 国家保护植物 | 10 | 离体材料库 |
IVB0113 | 离体培养物 | 国家保护植物 | 10 | 离体材料库 |