1. Platycerium wallichii Hooker, Gard. Chron. 765. 1858. 绿孢鹿角蕨 lü bao lu jiao jue Alcicornium wallichii (Hooker) Underwood.Rhizome thick, fleshy, shortly creeping; scales basifixed to peltate, pale with dark brown central portion, stiff, ca. 10 × 0.4 mm, margin entire. Basal fronds up to 40 cm or more, as wide as long, 3-5 times dichotomously lobed, lobes equal in length, obtuse or acute, margin entire; main veins and secondary veins raised on both surfaces, smaller ones hardly visible, main veins dichotomous, secondary ones forming network, smaller ones more copiously anastomosing; very thick and fleshy near base, more than 1 cm thick, thin and green at upper portion. Foliage fronds in pairs, 25-70 cm, subsessile, pendulous, lower portion divided into 3 uneven main lobes, upper portion of inner lobe repeatedly dichotomously branching, only outer small lobe not fertile; main veins distinct, dichotomous, smaller ones hardly visible, copiously anastomosing with included veinlets; thick, densely covered with stellate hairs; margin of lamina entire. Soral patches 2, large, at base of first sinus of 2 main lobes, mixed with stellate paraphyses. Spores 64 per sporangium, green.Epiphytic on tree trunks and large branches up to great heights from the ground, in tropical lowland rain forests; 200-1000 m. W Yunnan (Yingjiang, at border with Myanmar) [E India, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand].【引自:Flora of China】
附生植物。根状茎肉质,短而横卧,密被鳞片;鳞片淡棕色或灰白色,中间深褐色,坚硬,线形,长10毫米,宽4毫米。叶2列,二型;基生不育叶 (腐殖叶) 宿存,厚革质,下部肉质,厚达1厘米,上部薄,直立,无柄,贴生于树干上,长达40厘米,长宽近相等,先端截形,不整齐,3-5次叉裂,裂片近等长,圆钝或尖头,全缘,主脉两面隆起,叶脉不明显,两面疏被星状毛,初时绿色,不久枯萎,褐色。正常能育叶常成对生长,下垂,灰绿色,长25-70厘米。分裂成不等大的3枚主裂片,基部楔形,下延,近无柄,内侧裂片最大,多次分叉成狭裂片,中裂片较小,两者都能育,外侧裂片最小,不育,裂片全缘,通体被灰白色星状毛,叶脉粗而突出。孢子囊散生于主裂片第一次分叉的凹缺处以下,不到基部,初时绿色,后变黄色;隔丝灰白色,星状毛。孢子绿色。【引自:中国植物志】