4. Colocasia antiquorum Schott in Schott & Endlicher, Melet. Bot. 18. 1832. 滇南芋 dian nan yu Colocasia esculenta (Linnaeus) Schott var. antiquorum (Schott) F. T. Hubbard & Rehder; C. fontanesii Schott; C. gaoligongensis H. Li & C. L. Long; C. gongii C. L. Long & H. Li; C. lihengiae C. L. Long & K. M. Liu; C. tonoimo Nakai.Herbs, perennial, terrestrial, with stolons (stoloniferous runners) and a usually erect rhizome. Rhizome 120-135 × 12-18 cm; stolons (stoloniferous runners) 6-12, trailing horizontally, pale green to pale purple, simple, thin, 70-80 × ca. 0.5 cm; internodes cylindric, 15-25 cm, without tubercles. Leaves 4-8 together; petiole light green to reddish purple, 55-140 cm, sheathing in basal 1/2; leaf blade pale green or yellow-green abaxially, sometimes with a purple margin, green or yellow-green adaxially, glossy and wettable (water forming an even coating), peltate, ovate-cordate to sagittate-cordate, 30-80 × 18-70 cm, membranous; primary lateral veins 5-9, pale green or purple, interprimary veins inconspicuous. Inflorescences 3-5(or 6); peduncle green or purple, cylindric or subtrigonous, shorter than petioles, 40-70 × 1.5-2 cm. Spathe constricted between tube and blade; tube yellowish green or purple, oblong, 4-12 × 1.4-4.5 cm, subcylindric; limb convolute at base, suberect to reflexed, golden yellow, sometimes with purple margin, oblong, oblong-lanceolate, or obovate, 7-24 × 4-14 cm, apex obtuse or acute. Spadix sessile, shorter than spathe; female zone golden yellow, cylindric, 2-3 × 0.3-0.75 cm, ca. 1/2 as long as spadix, with a few yellow interpistillar staminodes; female flowers obovoid; ovary 1-loculed; placentae 2; stigma sessile or subsessile, disciform, 6-lobed; sterile zone whitish, cylindric, 1-5 × 0.3-1.8 cm; synandrodes depressed obpyramidal; male zone yellow, cylindric, 3.5-14 × 0.4-1.5 cm; synandria 3-10-androus, yellow, 1-2 mm; appendix absent or erect, narrowly conic, ca. 5 cm. Fruit not seen. Fl. May-Sep. 2n = 28.Dense rain forests, evergreen broad-leaved forests, and forest margins in valleys in limestone areas, along streams in evergreen broad-leaved forests, moist shaded thickets; 600-1200 m. S and W Yunnan (Mengla, Tengchong, Yingjiang) [NE India, N Laos, N Myanmar, N Thailand].【引自:Flora of China】
湿生草本。块茎球形,有多数须根;匍匐茎常从块茎基部外伸,长或短,具小球茎。叶柄肥厚,直立,长可达1.2米;叶片薄革质,表面略发亮,盾状卵形,基部心形,长达50厘米以上;前裂片宽卵形,锐尖,长稍胜于宽,I级侧脉4-8对;后裂片卵形,钝,长约为前裂片的1/2,2/3-3/4甚至完全联合,基部弯缺为宽钝的三角形或圆形,基脉相交成30-40度的锐角。花序柄比叶柄短许多。佛焰苞苍黄色,长15-25厘米:管部淡绿色,长圆形,为檐部长的1/2-1/5;檐部狭长的线状披针形,先端渐尖。肉穗花序短于佛焰苞:雌花序与不育雄花序等长,各长2-4厘米;能育雄花序和附属器各长4-8厘米。子房具极短的花柱。 【引自:中国植物志】
序列号 | 采集编号 | 保藏类型 | 份数 | 保藏温度 | 提取方法 | 数据来源 |
41626 | 13CS7791 | DNA | 4 | -80℃ | 改良CTAB法 | DNA库 |